Tuesday 22nd October 2024

The artist is Kustodiev

With great love, Kustodiev wrote portraits of relatives, friends, associates in art. Repeatedly created portraits of his children Irina and Cyril, imprinting their appearance with special vital trepidation. In her memoirs about her father, Irina Borisovna Kustodieva told how fun it happened in their apartment on the New Year tree. Costume evenings were arranged. To one of them, the mother, Julia Evstafyevna, sewed the costumes of the Marquise and the Marquis in the style of the XVII – XVIII centuries. Cyril had a wool wig. Irina was powdering her head with potato flour. In these costumes in gallant poses, they appear in the portrait. (IN. Prince.). Russian portrait. XX century: St. Petersburg, 2001. WITH. 78.

Kustodievs Irina and Kirill – children of the artist.

Kustodiev Kirill Borisovich (1903–1971) – artist.

Kustodieva Irina Borisovna (1905–1981).

Russian portrait. XX century: St. Petersburg, 2001. WITH. 78.

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