Tuesday 22nd October 2024

The artist is Gaush

The artist’s work was reflected in a complex search for Russian art in the stormy 1900s. A. F. Gausch closely adjoined the creative association "World of Art". Like myriskuns to. A. Somov, l. WITH. Bakst, a. N. Benois, he created a world of beauty and harmony in his works, in which the dream and reality, permeated by the subtle sense of the era and historical associations. The artist expanded the thematic circle of a myris -articate landscape with his favorite motives – the landscapes of beautiful gardens and parks, a transformed artist brush. In his work, according to the writer, historian, art criticism of p. Muratov "A sense of beauty is returned, lost by the Russian landscape since time a. Venetianov and s. Shchedrin". In works a. F. Gausha searches for a poetic dream, harmony in the world of nature sound enlightened, as an assertion of hopes for the possibility of gaining harmony between the world and man. This is the artist’s artist.

The masters influenced the picturesque language of a trip to England (1911–1912). In the English type of rural landscape, the artist found the real embodiment of his dreams of the harmony of the world. Creating his world, he enriched his creative baggage with the techniques of impressionistic writing, from the search for light he moved to the search for color, to strengthening the decorative principle, to generalization. Cold-green color ("Svet-tsvett of Gausha greenery" according to a. A. Fedorov-Davydov) and the generalized light tone became over time the support of his special palette and the basis of the coloristic system of many of his works. In sophisticated, exquisite paintings, a paranal artist designed to decorate living rooms, cabinets, the traditions of the classical heritage of French masters of the XVII century and the picturesque conquests of art of the early twentieth century, which led to the beautiful world of fantasies of the artist are refracted in their own way.

Gaush was not an animalist, but the appearance of this canvas is quite logical in the exquisite painting of the artist, where timeless views of English parks prevailed. The Pavlina’s motive, which played a “style-forming” role in the art of Art Nouveau, was popular among St. Petersburg artists and later, in the 1910s in the 1910s. In the picture of Gausha there was a “tie” in the relationship of two birds different in the nature of the birds, one – reproachfully important, the other – modest, recognizing other people’s championship. Here, stylized forms of modernity are whimsical with the techniques of impressionism, enhancing the refinement of the whole. With all his system, emphasized the aesthetization of reality, the artist’s canvas is close to the images of modern acmeism poetry.

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