Tuesday 22nd October 2024

The artist is Golovin

Makovskaya (nee Ryndina, in the first marriage of Khodasevich) Marina Erastovna (1886–1973) – wife with. TO. Makovsky, art criticism, editor of Apollo magazine.

At the turn of the 19th -XX centuries, many major masters of Russian painting turned to the genre of ceremonial portrait. Some, seeing the opportunity to realize their plans in the field of large style, others – in search of historical retrospers as a variety of stylization development of the art of the past. Golovin offers his own version of the front portrait, where the dictate of the lines and the significance of the silhouette, as usual in Golovin, are fundamental. In the flat-decorative system of the work, the dominant place is given the contour and lines that organize the field of canvas and emphasize the conventionality of the background. The registered face of the portraitable, protruding from the plane of the picturesque space, is likened to a kind of relief. (G. TO.).

Russian portrait. XX century: St. Petersburg, 2001. WITH. 115.

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