Saturday 27th July 2024

The artist is Falk

In the summer of 1913, Falk lived in the town of Ruza near Moscow, where he worked a lot and fruitfully. This portrait also includes the works created there. It is impossible to establish exactly who posed Falk. In a letter to in. P. Princess Widow of the Artist A. IN. Shchekin-Krotova wrote: “I remember, p. R. Falk said that this is Tatar “. When the picture was first exhibited at the spring exhibition in Odessa, one of the critics wrote in the review of the exhibition: “GG are typical Cezannists. Falk, Kuprin, Fedorov. The first in one of his portraits of the old man gives almost the double of the Cezann “man with a pipe” ”. (E. B.).

Russian portrait. XX century: St. Petersburg, 2001. WITH. 135.

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