Saturday 7th December 2024

The artist is Zhukovsky

Zhukovsky is equally known as a landscape painter and an interiors painter. This genre is again after era A. Mr. Venetsanova, survived the rise at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.
The picture appeared in the Tver Territory, where Venetians once worked with students. Contacted by modern mood landscapes, lyrics and. A. Bunina, she is generated by a sharp sensation "Following", experiencing "death of cherry gardens". The traction of manor motives affected "pre -procurement" mood "end of the century" and nostalgia about the departed, attempts to contrast the philistine modernity with the harmonious beauty of the past and the desire to artistically record what crumbled and disappeared before our eyes. Therefore, the appearance of ancient rooms recreated by Zhukovsky with red wood furniture and windows in the winter landscape carry a double feeling of admiration and nostalgia.
Option "In the old house" 1914 is located in the Tver Regional Picture Gallery.

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