Saturday 7th December 2024

The artist is Konchalovsky

Critics often reproached n. Konchalovsky in the hobby for painting of French masters. In 1912, they noticed his attention to creativity a. Derena. Well represented in the meeting with. AND. Schukina, who repeatedly participated at the Bubnoye Valet exhibitions, Andre Deren was one of the authorities for the leaders of the association. His painting “The Old Castle in Kan” was created during the period of intensive work of the wood in kind with Picasso and marriage, when he came especially close to the principles of cubism, maintaining the balance between him and Sezannism. In the southern landscapes of Konchalovsky – the types of Siena and San Jiminiano – the Derenovsky motive of the sheer stone walls that cover the horizon and give the compositions a monumental character. However, in the paintings of the Russian artist there is no distinct structuralness of the “old castle”, the beauty of a strict, geometrized shape and color, restrainedly glowing through cubistic gloom. In the landscapes of Konchalovsky, the architecture seems to be trying to acquire strict outlines, but a certain organic basis of its painting opposes all constructiveness, and now and then strives to violate geometric clarity, ruin volumes, turn them into a soft clay mass.

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